söndag 19 december 2010

NBRBR Rainbow Network Calling

Sweden's Zafire Vrba, member of the Stockholm-based internatinal punk music & theater group,  Las Habereros, performing at Network and Tupilak solidarity events in Sweden and in the Baltic region.

Calling members and supporters of the


Sessions 2011:

On the sidelines of:  3rd Baltic Pride - Tallinn (June)
                               Stockholm Pride (July-August)
                               Poznan Tolerance (November)

(This is to give as many as possible a chance to meet face-to-face.  As usual, most contacts are to be carried out via e-mail.)


1. To review results of co-operation, visits, projects during 2010.  Plans for 2011 (including efforts to diversify Nordic delgations to reach more destinations and not concentrate on only or one or two targests).

2. Renew contacts with:

           Nordic embassies (in event nations)
           Swedish Pol Baltic Network
           Swedish Institute
           Polish Institute
           Nordic Council
           Nordic Council Culture Fund

3. Continuing efforts to initiate contact with colleagues in Kaliningrad and to carry out first Network events in the Faroes and the Åland Islands.

4.. First Nordic Network Scholarship (thanks to private donations) goes to Belarus gay photographer, Vladiks of Minsk.

  (His works are to be displayed at coming events in in Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Kakow, Warsaw, Wrocklaw, Poznan, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Eskilstuna, Uppsala.

Also at the coming ILGCN world cultural conference 2011 stages in Turkey (May) and the Crimean, Urkaine (September)

    Vladiks is to visit Stockholm in July, 2011.)

Network co-operation partners:  Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers), ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Information Secretariat - Stockholm, Nordic Rainbow Council (member of the ILGA: International Lesbian & Gay Association).

Bill Schiller, Network international secretary                     December, 2010    Stockholm

onsdag 8 december 2010



  KULTURKVÄLL  -- Stockholm


                 Tisdagen, 14 december 2010  från 18.00

    Högkvarteret  Närkesg. 8 (T-ban Medborgarplatsen)



DISKUSSION: "Regnbåger över Palestine...?  Svenska-Palestiniska Samarbete.  Hur störtar vi både ockupationen och patriarkatet?  
Tupilak/ Palestinagrupperna i Sverige



Televiv PornFest 2010, PornFest 2011  -- Zafire Vrba


FILMS: "Ezra Nawi" isreali gay ,fredsaktivist,  "Divine Intervention"

FOTOS: Orlando Boström --  1st Jerusalem Pride    



 Peter  Fröberg 

  Jan Hammarlund
Los Habaneros

                                                                     Jenny Gabrielsson                                                                     



Efter 22.00:
Tupilak Vinter Fest
Pris cermoni.
  Skål till Tupilak's 20 års dag!


Film:  Tupilak cabaret salute to ILGA World Conference – Stockholm, 1990!



Palestinagrupperna i Sverige   
 ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)

